Conan Exiles Demonic Item Database
Demonic Lure 18306 Consumable
A lure intended to draw a demonic creatures Demonic Shaleback Head 82015 BuildingItem
The head of a Demonic Shaleback Demonic Shaleback Head Trophy 81016 BuildingItem
A stuffed, mounted Demonic Shaleback head Demonic Spider 19144 PetItem
A demonic spider that has somehow been tamed Demonic Spider Head 82048 BuildingItem
The head of a demonic spider Heartpiercer 24113 Weapon TwoHanded_Ranged BowDamage Health 26 Armor Pen 0.090000
Legendary Weapon Demonic
An ancient weapon | | Total Listed: 6 | | | | | | | | | |
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